Why Do You Need To Balance Your Car Tyres Regularly?

People often get tyre alignment and tyre balancing mixed up. While it is true that you must get your wheel alignment checked when you go for car maintenance, you should not neglect wheel balancing. However, many people, in order to save money on car servicing, tend to forgo tyre balancing in favor of wheel alignment, thinking the former to be less important. These people can not be more wrong.

What you are hoping to achieve with properly balanced tyres is an equal distribution of weight. This ensures that your tyres don't have to bear any unnecessary stress. If your tyres are stressed more than they can take, they will wear out much faster, resulting in even more expense. Thus, we have come up with the following blog to help our readers understand the importance of tyre balancing.

What Is Tyre Balance?

Today, tyres come with tiny weights attached to them. You can find these weights near the edge of your wheels during installation. It is these weights that help your tyres have proper distribution. Thus, you can adjust these weights to make sure that all your tyres are in balance. Ensuring proper balance will result in a much smoother ride. 

Also, you must understand that tyre balancing and alignment are two very different things. Although both are related to tyres and important for your overall safety, they do different things to your tyre. While wheel alignment makes sure that your tyres are at the correct angle, tyre balancing ensures that their weight is distributed evenly.

Know When You Need To Balance Tyres

Before going for tyre balancing, you must learn to recognize the signs for it. Tyre imbalance is a gradual process that happens over time. When you drive a car, it will wear your tyres down, making them imbalanced with use. By continuing to drive the same car, you will subject these tyres to extra stress, making them deteriorate at a much faster rate. 

If you are looking to Buy Tyres in Shenstone, be sure to take stock of auto repair shops offering tyre balancing. For this, you should look out for the following signs to tell you that your tyres need balancing:

  • Rapid vibration at high speed
  • Enhanced fuel consumption
  • Problems with Suspension
  • Uneven wear and tear of tyres

If you notice any of these signs, you have to go for tyre balancing as soon as possible.

How To Balance Tyres?

There are two different ways to balance your tyres:

Static balancing

First, we have static balancing. It is used in cases where there is only a slight imbalance in your tyres. Not only is the process quite simple, but by using the appropriate technique, you can get your tyres balanced within minutes. 

During this method, the tyre is placed on a vertical supporting device, and using a spindle, the tyre is measured after it sets on an axis. If one side leans towards the ground, the mechanic will put weight on the lighter side to restore balance.

Dynamic balancing

However, if yours is a complex case, then you will need dynamic balancing, which is a technique that incorporates the use of a computer to measure the tyres on all three axes. First, the mechanic places the fully assembled wheel on the machine and then starts rotating it from 16 to 25 km/h to 88 to 96 km/h. 

The spin is accurately captured on the computer and then diagnosed using the sensors. After the wheel stops spinning, the computer specifies how much weight should be added to the tyres and where. Then the weights are added to the rim, both on the inside and the outside, to provide a higher degree of precision and balance.

The Importance Of Regular Tyre Balancing

If you are looking to buy Pirelli Tyres Walsall, you should also be aware of the reasons why tyre balancing is even needed. To answer the question, you need to read the following:

A Much Smoother Ride

Perhaps the most important reason why you should go for a tyre balancing is the need for a smoother drive. When your tyres are imbalanced, you will experience harsh vibrations when driving the car. Thus, by ensuring your tyres are balanced, it will make the drive much smoother.

Increased Mileage

However, other than a smoother ride, there are also economic factors involved. If you are a driver with good driving habits, then by keeping your tyres balanced, you can enjoy an increase in your car’s mileage. Driving with imbalanced tyres will wear them out faster, increasing fuel consumption. Thus, by ensuring your tyres are balanced properly, you will save a lot on fuel. Also, it will help you save money on tyre repairs as it will prevent the wear and tear of your tyres.

Prolongs Tyre Life

As explained in the previous point, balanced tyres last longer. Since the weight is evenly distributed across all four tyres, they wear out evenly. Then, by properly rotating your tyres, you can ensure that they last longer.

Helps Protect Your Vehicle’s Suspension

If you continue driving with unbalanced tyres, it will not only affect your driving experience and fuel consumption but also your vehicle suspension. In due time, the vibrations will grow from bad to worse, putting stress on your entire suspension system. If you overlook tyre balancing issues just to save money, it can cost you in the long run, as repairing the suspension will cost much more.

Enhances Overall Safety

Finally, you have to understand that balanced tyres enhance your overall safety. Driving a car with any issues, no matter how small, can potentially lead to accidents. Imbalanced tyres can also hamper your steering and overall car handling abilities. Thus, you should always ensure that your tyres are balanced properly.


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